Using the cothread Library#

The cothread Python library is designed for building tools using cooperative threading. This means that, with care, programs can effectively run several tasks simultaneously.

The cothread.catools library is designed to support easy channel access from Python, and makes essential use of the features of cooperative threads – in particular, catools.camonitor() notifies updates in the background.

Introduction to Cothreads#

Cothreads (or “cooperative threads”) are an approach to concurrent programming where there is only one true thread of processing, but apparently concurrent processes (or cothreads) can cooperatively share the processor. Control is passed from one cothread to another when the current cothread explicitly suspends control, ultimately via a call to a cothread library routine. This means that between such suspending calls control will not be interrupted. This has two advantages:

  • No locking between threads is required. This is a very helpful benefit of using cothreads, as getting locking between multiple threads right can be suprisingly difficult.

  • The thread of processing is frequently more predictable: between two suspension points there is no possibility of unexpected background activity!

On the other hand, there is one disadvantage which needs to be kept in mind:

  • If a cothread blocks (for example, by calling time.sleep() or reading from a blocking socket or remote file without first calling a select function) then all cothreads will be blocked. The cothread library provides routines to help with this (see Sleep(), select() and socket below).

To use the cothread library the following overall structure should be followed in the top level application:

# Import the cothread library in each module that uses it.
import cothread

# Enable Qt processing, hang onto application instance if needed.
qtapp = cothread.iqt()      # Not needed if not using Qt

# Do the real work of the module, including spawning any background tasks.

# Finally allow all background tasks to run to completion.
cothread.WaitForQuit()      # Or some other blocking construct
  1. If Qt is to be used (for any graphical user interface) then the cothread library needs to be informed: this is done by calling iqt() before any work is done with Qt. This call ensures that Qt processing will occur while the cothread scheduler is idle, and effectively turns Qt into another cothread. The Qt application instance is created by this call and returned.

  2. Finally the main cothread (the thread of control used to start and run the program) must not exit until the program has finished. If all the desired activity is in background tasks (spawned cothreads, catools.camonitor() processing or other background activity) then the simplest thing is to call WaitForQuit() before exiting: this will wait until the Quit() function is called, or control-C is pressed somewhere, or the last Qt window is closed.

Cothread Suspension Points#

When using cothreads only certain function calls will cause control to be yielded to another cothread, or in other words, will cause suspension of the calling cothread – here we call such a routine a “suspension point”.

Understanding suspension points is important for effective use of cothreads: between suspension points no other cothread will run, and the current cothread has exclusive control of the process (except for any “real” threads that might be running). Once a suspension point is reached any other cothread can run, in fact typically all other ready cothreads will run to their own suspension points before control is returned to the suspending cothread.

The following are suspension points in the core cothread library:

Sleep(), SleepUntil()

The caller is always suspended, even if the expiry time has passed, so Sleep(0) has much the same effect as Yield().


This suspends the caller until all other active cothreads have run to their own suspension points.


On a Spawn, Pulse, Event or EventQueue object the Wait method will suspend the caller when the event object is not yet ready, independently of whether the timeout has already expired. To determine whether an event object is ready without risking suspension call bool() on the object.


This is an incompatible change from cothread version 2.0 and earlier. In earlier versions of cothread suspension does not occur on an expired timeout, but unfortunately this can easily lead to starvation of other cothreads.

The cothread.coselect module adds the following suspension points:

select(), poll, poll_list()

These are all always suspension points.

In the cothread.catools module the following routines can cause suspension (note that catools.camonitor() is the only routine guaranteed not to suspend):


This is always a suspension point.


This routine may cause the caller to suspend. To avoid suspension, put to only one PV, use wait=False (the default), and ensure that the channel is already connected – this will be the case if it has already been successfully used in any catools method. To ensure suspension use wait=True.

The cothread.cosocket module makes most socket operations into suspension points when the corresponding socket operation is not yet ready.

Order of Execution#

It is possible to be fairly precise about the order in which certain processes will occur.

  • Cothreads started by Spawn will initially be processed in the order in which they were created with no other cothreads intervening.

  • Cothreads waiting on an event will be woken strictly in the sequence in which waiting takes place, just so long as no timeout occurs. Cothreads woken by timeouts generally execute after other processing is complete.

This ordering of processing together with the fact that cothreads are only suspended when control needs to be lost means that certain guarantees about ordering of processing can be made, in particular see catools.caput().

Callbacks and Timers#

Callbacks and timers are also provided through the cothread library, and it is important to understand how they interact with other routines.


Timers are created by the Timer function documented below. The callback that is invoked as part of the timer is a fresh cothread, spawned when the timer is created. This means that the timer callback function can run for as long as desired without interfering with other timer callbacks (so long as it suspends regularly, of course!)

Note however that a timer will not retrigger itself until its current callback routine completes.

Callbacks from catools.camonitor()

The callback routines called in response to catools.camonitor() are all invoked on a single cothread. This means that extended processing within a single callback will prevent any other callbacks from being processed. To avoid this either spawn a new cothread to perform further process, or communicate with an existing separate cothread.

Other callbacks

Other callbacks will depend on the library generating them, but it is safest to treat them as “blocking” in the sense described above.

Timeouts and Deadlines#

All of the waiting methods in the cothread library take a timeout argument. This can be in one of three forms:


A timeout of None means that the timeout will never complete, so for example a call to Sleep(None) will never return, and so is not useful, but this option is useful in other cases when no timeout is wanted.

Timeout interval in seconds

A numerical argument is interpreted as a timeout interval in seconds from the time of call. Note that although a timeout of 0 will immediately timeout, cothread suspension will still occur.

( deadline in seconds ,)

A tuple containing one numerical value is interpreted as a timeout deadline in seconds in the time.time() epoch. If the deadline has already passed the call will timeout, but cothread suspension will occur first.

The following helper functions are available for working with timeouts:


Takes a timeout and returns a timeout, ensuring that timeout is in deadline format (or None). If repeated wait functions are to be called with the same desired timeout this should be used to ensure the timeout is a deadline.


Converts a deadline in time.time() epoch seconds into a cothread timeout format.


Returns the associated deadline in seconds, or returns None if timeout is None.

Cothread API#

The following functions define the basic cothread interface provided by this module.

class cothread.Spawn(function, arguments, raise_on_wait=False, stack_size=0, ...)[source]#

A new cooperative thread, or cothread, is created as a call to function(arguments) where arguments can be any list of values and keyword arguments (except for the raise_on_wait and stack_size arguments). This routine is not a suspension point.

This is the fundamental building block of the cothreading library. It is quite cheap to spawn fresh cothreads, and so this constructor can be used freely.

  • raise_on_wait – By default any exception raised by running function(arguments) is caught and reported by a traceback to stderr. If this flag is set then instead the exception is retained and returned when Wait() is called.

  • stack_size – If a non-zero stack_size is specified the new cothread is allocated its own stack, otherwise it will share the main process stack. The tradeoffs involved in whether to allocate a stack are subtle. By default it is safest to leave this parameter unset.

It is possible to wait for the completion of a spawned cothread by calling its Wait() method:


This blocks until the spawned cothread completes, either by returning from its function call, or by raising an exception. Note that only one waiter will be woken. If the cothread was created with raise_on_wait set to True then any exception raised by the cothread will be re-raised when Wait() is called.


The calling task is suspended until the given time. Sleep() suspends the task for at least delay seconds, SleepUntil() suspends until the specified time has passed (time is defined as the value returned by time.time()).


Yield() suspends control so that all other potentially busy tasks can run. Control is not returned to the calling task until all other active tasks have been processed, or the timeout has expired.

Communication between cothreads is provided by Pulse, Event, and EventQueue objects. A Pulse holds no values, an Event can hold at most one value (or signal), while an EventQueue can hold a list of unbounded length.

class cothread.Event(auto_reset=True)[source]#

Event objects are initially created unsignalled. The auto_reset flag determines whether the signalled state of the event object is persistent, and determines how many cothreads are woken when Signal() is called on an event. The bool state of an event object is True iff it is signalled.

The following methods define the behaviour of this object.


The calling cothread will be suspended until a signal is written to the Event by a call to Signal(), at which point the value passed to Signal() is returned. If a timeout occurs (a timeout of None specifies no timeout) this is signalled by raising the exception Timedout.

If auto_reset was specified as True then the signal is consumed, and subsequent calls to Wait() will block until further Signal() calls occur.


The event object is marked as signalled and the value passed is recorded to be returned by a call to Wait(). If one or more cothreads are waiting for a signal then at least one will be woken with the new value (if auto_reset is True then only one will be woken, otherwise all will be).

Note that this routine does not suspend the caller, even if another cothread is woken: it will not process until later.


This is similar in effect to Signal(), but the effect on cothreads calling Wait() is that they will receive the given exception.


Resets the signal and erases its value. Also erases any exception written to the event.

class cothread.RLock[source]#

The RLock is a reentrant lock that can be used to protect access or modification of variables by two cothreads at the same time. It is reentrant because once it is acquired by a cothread, that same cothread may acquire it again without blocking. This same cothread must release it once for each time it has acquired it.

It can be used as a context manager to acquire that lock and guarantee that release will be called even if an exception is raised. For example:

lock = RLock()
x, y = 0, 0

with lock:
    x = 1
    y = 1

Now as long as any other function that uses x and y also protects access with this same lock, x and y will always be in a consistent state. It also means that some_function_that_yields_control() can also acquire the lock without causing a deadlock.

The following methods are supported:


Acquire the lock if necessary and increment the recursion level.

If this cothread already owns the lock, increment the recursion level by one, and return immediately. Otherwise, if another cothread owns the lock, block until the lock is unlocked. Once the lock is unlocked (not owned by any cothread), then grab ownership, set the recursion level to one, and return. If more than one thread is blocked waiting until the lock is unlocked, only one at a time will be able to grab ownership of the lock.


Release a lock, decrementing the recursion level

If after the decrement it is zero, reset the lock to unlocked (not owned by any cothread), and if any other cothreads are blocked waiting for the lock to become unlocked, allow exactly one of them to proceed. If after the decrement the recursion level is still nonzero, the lock remains locked and owned by the calling cothread.

Only call this method when the calling cothread owns the lock. An AssertionError is raised if this method is called when the lock is unlocked or the cothread doesn’t own the lock.

class cothread.Pulse[source]#

Pulse objects have no state and all cothreads waiting on a Pulse object will block until Signal() is called, at which point waiting cothreads will be woken.

The following methods are available.


The calling cothread will suspend until Signal() is called or until a timeout occurs, in which case a Timedout exception is returned.


Wakes one or all cothreads waiting on the object. By default all waiting cothreads are woken, but Signal(False) can be used to wake just one waiting cothread.

A Pulse object behaves similarly to an Event object, but the wakeup is unconditional and a Pulse object has no state. This object can used as a notifier for updating complex conditions.

class cothread.EventQueue(max_length=None)[source]#

The EventQueue is designed to support the communication of a stream of values between two cothreads. Calling len() on an event queue returns the number of entries currently in its queue. An event queue can also be consumed as an iterator, see code example below.

Optionally a maximum queue length can be specified. In this case attempts to signal a queue with max_length pending elements will fail.

The following methods are supported:


Returns the next object from the queue, blocking if necessary. If a timeout occurs then Timedout is raised. If the queue has been closed then StopIteration is raised.

If the queue is non empty when Wait() is called control will not be suspended.


Adds the given value to the queue, waking up a waiting cothread if one is waiting. This routine does not suspend the caller. True is returned on success.

If the queue is full, i.e. if max_length was specified on creation and the current queue length is equal to this limit, then no action is taken and False is returned.


Discards all values in the queue.


Marks the queue as closed, after which no more signals can be raised. Calling Wait() on a closed queue will cause StopIteration to be raised.

Example code using iteration over an EventQueue:

def consumer(e):
    for x in e:
        print('consumed', x)

eq = EventQueue()
Spawn(consumer, eq)

for i in range(10):
class cothread.ThreadedEventQueue[source]#

The ThreadedEventQueue behaves like an EventQueue, but is designed to be used to communicate between a Python thread outside of the cothread library and a cothread. Communication can occur in either direction: an outside thread can call Signal() on a threaded event queue while a cothread calls Wait(), or vice versa. Note however that for communicating from Python threads to cothread it is more efficient to use Callback().

If a thread calls Wait() it will block until a cothread (or another thread) calls Signal(). If this is undesirable then the field .wait_descriptor can be waited on using the standard select() or poll() functions. Note that this file handle must only be used for waiting, and must not be read from!

class cothread.Timer(timeout, callback, retrigger=False, reuse=False, stack_size=0)[source]#

This triggers a call to callback, with no arguments, when timeout expires. If retrigger is True then after callback completes the timer will be reenabled and the cycle will repeat, in which case timeout must be a relative timeout, otherwise only one call will occur. If retrigger is False then once the timer has fired it cannot be reused unless reuse is set to True, see reset() below.

The following two methods can be used to control the timer object:


The timer can be cancelled at any time by calling the cancel() method. The timer will not fire after this call and will no longer be reusable. To avoid memory leaks cancel() should be called on timers with either retrigger or reuse set once they are no longer needed.

reset(timeout, retrigger=None)[source]#

This method allows a reusable timer to be controlled. This applies to any timer created with either retrigger or reuse set, but this method cannot be called after cancel() has been called.

A timeout of None can be specified to suspend the timer, otherwise a new timeout must always be specified when calling reset(). Any pending timeout will be cancelled when reset() is called.

A new value for the retrigger flag can also be specified.

cothread.WaitForAll(event_list, timeout=None)[source]#

This routine waits for all events in event_list to become ready: this is done by simply iterating through all the events in turn, waiting for them to complete. If timeout expires then an exception is raised.

Note that if WaitForAll() is interrupted early by an exception or timeout all pending resources for the remaining events in event_list will still be consumed.


The routine WaitForQuit() blocks until one of the following occurrs: Quit() is called, signal.SIGINT is received (by pressing control-C), or the last Qt window is closed. By default (if catch_interrupt=True is set) keyboard interrupts are handled by a signal handler which simply calls Quit(). This means that the only way to interrupt a loop without a suspension point is to use another signal such as SIGQUIT (control-\).

This is designed to be used as the final blocking call at the end of the main program so that other event loops can run.


This use of catch_interrupt to set a signal handler is an incompatible change from cothread 2.0 and earlier.

cothread.Callback(action, *args)#

This function can be called from any Python thread to arrange for action(*args) to be called in the cothread’s own thread.

Note that all callbacks are called in sequence and so any individual action() should return as soon as possible to avoid blocking subsequent callbacks – if more work needs to be done, call Spawn().

cothread.CallbackResult(action, *args, **kargs, callback_queue=Callback, callback_timeout=None, callback_spawn=True)[source]#

This is similar to Callback(): this can be called from any Python thread, and action(*args, **kargs) will be called in cothread’s own thread. The difference is that the this function will block until action returns, and the result will be returned as the result from CallbackResult(). For example, the following can be used to perform channel access from an arbitrary thread:

value = CallbackResult(caget, pv)

The following arguments are processed by CallbackResult(), all others are passed through to action:


By default the standard Callback() queue is used for dispatch to the cothread core, but a separate callback method can be specified here.


By default the thread will block indefinitely until action completes, or a specific timeout can be specified here.


By default a new cothread will be spawned for each callback; this can help to avoid interlock problems as mentioned above under Callback(), but adds overhead.

cothread.iqt(poll_interval=0.05, run_exec=True, argv=None)[source]#

If Qt is to be used then this routine must be called during initialisation to enable the Qt event loop and create the initial Qt application instance. The Qt application instance is returned.

The normal Qt event hook does not work correctly with modal dialogs (because they run their own message loops) – typically a modal window will block the the scheduling of other cothreads.

If cothread is used in a context where there is no control over the Qt event loop then run_exec can be set to False to ensure that cothread doesn’t try to run the event loop.

exception cothread.Timedout[source]#

Exception indicating an event has timed out.

Coselect and Cosocket Functions#

To enable cothreaded access to sockets and other external event generating sources the cothread.coselect library provides coperative implementations of select(), poll() and socket from the Python library select and socket modules. The following methods and classes are provided:, owtd, ewtd, timeout=None)[source]#

Cooperative select() function, interface compatible with the Python library function (though the exceptions raised are slightly different).


Cooperative poll object, interface compatible with the Python library select.poll() object.

cothread.poll_list(event_list, timeout=None)[source]#

Simpler function for waiting for one or more events to occur. This function is used to implement the more compatible select() and poll interfaces.

The event_list parameter is a list of pairs, each consisting of a waitable descriptor and an event mask (generated by oring together POLL... constants). This routine will cooperatively block until any descriptor signals a selected event (or any event from POLLHUP, POLLERR, POLLNVAL) or until the timeout (in seconds) occurs.

class cothread.socket(...)#

This is a cooperative non-blocking wrapper of the standard socket class. This can be imported directly from cothread and used with constants and most methods from the standard socket module, or alternatively socket_hook() can be called before importing the socket module.


This function wraps socket.socketpair() to return a pair of cooperative stream socket instances which are already connected.

cothread.create_connection(address, ...)[source]#

This function wraps socket.create_connection() to return a cothread compatible socket.


This function will replace the and select.poll() methods in the select module with the non-blocking cothread compatible functions defined here. Do not use this if other threads need to use functions from the select module.


This function will replace socket.socket and socket.socketpair() in the socket module with cothread.socket and socketpair(). This will convert most Python socket library functions into cooperative socket functions and allows all of the helper functions in the socket module to be used.

Note that this function will affect all threads, so if the application contains a non-cothread thread using sockets this function must not be used.

Coserver Functions#

cothread.coserver provides coorperative versions of the server classes from socketserver and http.server modules.

class cothread.coserver.TCPServer(...)#

Wrapped version of socketserver.TCPServer.

class cothread.coserver.UDPServer(...)#

Wrapped version of socketserver.UDPServer.

class cothread.coserver.HTTPPServer(...)#

Wrapped version of http.server.HTTPServer.

class cothread.coserver.CoThreadingMixIn[source]#

A cooperative equivalent to socketserver.ThreadingMixIn which spawns a new cothread to handle each request.

class cothread.coserver.CoThreadingTCPServer(...)[source]#
class cothread.coserver.CoThreadingUDPServer(...)[source]#
class cothread.coserver.CoThreadingHTTPServer(...)[source]#

Convenience classes which apply CoThreadingMixIn.

class cothread.coserver.BaseServer(...)#

Wrapped version of socketserver.BaseServer provided for completeness. User code will typically not use this class directly.